You can easily add columns to the Agent RTD. This guide leads on from here which deals with the attribute type. The steps below show you how to add columns of other types. Unless specifically mentioned, all
Type – Entity
The key specifies which table the data will be sourced from
Order and Value can be blank
Type – Filter
The key set which value to filter by e.g. Cts_Team==’ALL’
Order is 0
Value can be blank
Type – Calculated
The key is the formula used to calculate the result e.g. parseDate(rowData[‘Cts_Time’]).toHHMMSS() which would
write out the field Cts_Time in the format HHMMSS
Order is order
Value is column width
Type – Livestate
Similar to attribute except that livestate must be used when for times that update i.e. other than State Time
Type – Hidden
This is used so that you can cite this field in future fields or calculations.
Type – Link
Similar to attribute except it is a link. E.g. to link to the user’s profile you would use the key
Type – Order
Is used to order the rows.
Key gives the field by which it will be ordered
Value defines whether the data is in ascending or descending order with the value ASC or DSC
Type – Rule
This defines appearance changes to be made in certain situations e.g. make the call hold time blink red if it goes
over 1 minute
Key defines the situation e.g.
rowData.Cts_call_time_Hold >= ’00:01:00′
Value defines the changes to be made e.g. background|#f4c212;effect|blink;
Note –
To be able to add or create a new report of the corresponding record from the DiallerReports, it must contain ‘entity’
as its type attribute value.