This post gives you guide on how to move your Dynamics Telephony configuration from one CRM to another.
The example is for porting from CRM1 (where you have tested everything to your satisfaction) to CRM2 (where you want to replicate the tested settings)
FIRST install the solution on CRM2. Use the link provided by your support engineer.
NEXT run Dynamics Telephony on CRM2. You do this by clearing the cache ( see here ) and starting Dynamics Telephony again. You will be prompted for the URL of CRM2. IMPORTANT, once up and running, manually set items in Menu > Settings > Crm Configuration, as these cannot be ported over in the “Port Data” described below. Quit that instance of Dynamics Telephony.
THEN, Port Data between the Dynamis Telephony entities in CRM as follows…
CRM entity dialerKvTable – Delete all rows from CRM2 where scope equals global. Export all rows from CRM1 where scope equals global and import into CRM2
CRM entity dialerCallOutcome – Delete all rows from CRM2. Export all rows from CRM1 and import to CRM2.
CRM entity dialerDnis – You will have to manually re-create all DNIS Settings in CRM2. This is because the CRM URL is part of the DNIS definition. Also, the images for the DNIS are stored as webresources in CRM – which have the same name as the DNIS. Advanced users could manually fix the URL in the DNIS definition and port over the image webresources in a solution.
CRM entity dialerQueueSettings – You will have to manually re-create the Queue Settings on CRM2. This is because the CRM URL and the queue GUID is part of the Queue Settings.
CRM entity dialerReports – If you have made any custom report definitions for the Dynamics Telephony RTD, then you can port these to CRM2. Delete all rows from CRM2. Exports all rows from CRM1 and import to CRM2