Category Archives: Install

Incoming Call Alert Audio

You can set the audio file and audio device to use for incoming calls. This is useful if you want to silence the alert, or play the alert from a different speaker.

There are 3 settings you use. All are per-user settings.

General Settings > Also Alert PC Speaker
General Settings > File Location
General Settings > Inbound Alert Device

You must set ALL 3 settings to use this feature.

Also Alert PC Speaker. This is not a good name. It really means to use PC Speaker INSTEAD of your current audio device for inbound call alerts..

File Location: The audio file should be in .WAV format. Be sure to store it in a folder that the user has permission to access. To silence the alert, make a small .WAV file of silence. Example setting value: C:\DT\my_alert.wav

Inbound Alert Device: The device can be more difficult to set. You need to use the name of the device, or part of the name. The setting is not case sensitive. You can get a list of your devices using these steps:
a) Go to DT Menu > App Folder
b) Quit DT
c) Use Notepad to view file pjsip.log
d) See the list of devices like this:
..WMME found 5 devices:
.. dev_id 0: Wave mapper (in=2, out=2)
.. dev_id 1: Microphone (Plantronics C710) (in=2, out=0)
.. dev_id 2: Microphone (High Definition Aud (in=2, out=0)
.. dev_id 3: Speakers (Plantronics C710) (in=0, out=2)
.. dev_id 4: Speakers (High Definition Audio (in=0, out=2)

So, an example setting value would be: plantronics

DT Client Implementation

Throughout the implementation, go-live and support lifetime, we will endeavor to have a DEDICATED ENGINEER assigned to your company. This is a unique approach we take because we know it has big benefits for you. It means your engineer is fully aware of your needs and situation. No need to tell them how important a particular issue is – they will always know. No need to tell them how your business works – they will already know.

Timeline. For budgetary purposes, you can use the following implementation timescales. NOTE, we operate a 2 week shutdown over the Christmas period, usually from December 20 to Jan 4th, inclusive.
– Short – most work done by Dynamics Telephony – 1 month
– Long – work spread over various partners – 3 months

Risks. Here are some common risks to the project, and what we do to minimize them:
– Install issues. We will require early access to a sample end-user environment to identify any install issues up front.
– Network & Security Issues. We will require early access to an end-user environment, along with sandbox CRM and Telephony to identify any network issues up front.

Milestones. Here are some project dependencies/milestones to monitor during the typical project
– Dataverse SDK access via Service User created. This Service User is a client-secret application user configured in Azure Portal.
– UAT environment and test cases agreed.
– IT Support and User Training ready.

If the project is projected to be too long, then we recommend phasing as 1)Outbound operations and 2)Inbound operations.

Project Team Members.

  • Project Manager. Overall responsibility. See timeline above to estimate commitment required
  • Telephony. The person who creates new users on the phone system, or writes the procedure for this. The person who can provide credentials and network access to the Telephony API. Telephony security prime.
  • Users. A prime user of CRM for the use cases envisaged.
  • CRM. CRM architecture prime. CRM security prime.
  • Training. The person who writes the user training guides.
  • Support. The person who provides guides to first line IT support of CRM/Telephony users.

Each member of the team will need to attend a presentation of the DT Client and Q&A on their tasks and impacts.
Following on from that, test users will need to be set up on the phone system and CRM. DT engineers will require access to these.
Depending on complexity, about a day of effort might be required to update training materials for the users.

Install The Client

Installation Guide for Dynamics Telephony Client with Microsoft Dynamics 365

1. Save the dynamicstelephony.application file from the installation link you clicked on in the welcome email


Run the DynamicsTelephony.application file and Install the Dynamics Telephony Application

If you see this warning below, click More Info and then click the Run Anyway button that appears.


2. Once the Dynamics Telephony application is installed enter the CRM URL for your organization’s CRM configuration.


3. Dynamics Telephony Client will start. Logon to CRM as normal user in the DT Client window.

4. If you see Windows Security Alert about Firewall, click ALLOW.

5. From now on, to run Dynamics Telephony, use the shortcut on your Windows Start Menu

Per Team Settings

Dynamics Telephony settings out-of-the box are either Global or per-user. However, the Global settings are really for the default team called Global. You can add more teams, each with their own set of “global” settings. We call this a Settings Team

To add a new Settings Team

Go to Customize the System > Option Sets and find the option set “Dynamics Telephony Team”. Add a value to it (e.g. Team22 below) for your new Settings Team. Save – Publish All customizations.

Settings Team Optionset

If you have not already done so, Add the Dynamics Telephony Team optionset to your User Form in CRM.

Edit the CRM user you want to be the first member of your new Settings Team and select the value of Dynamics Telephony Team. NOTE the initial settings for the new Settings Team will be the same as this user.

For new or changed users

Set the users team:

Start the DT Client for this user and logon. You should get a message like this (if the selected team was Team22, for example):

Settings Team Changed

When you restart DT Client for the user, they are now in the new Settings Team. You can check the Settings Team in the About box. Any changes to their settings are now applied to everyone in the new Settings Team.

Settings Team About Box

Setup Omnichannel Chat

These are notes to quickly set up Microsoft Omnichannel for chat.

The overall process is add a snippet of code to your website, enable agents for chat and understand the “Capacity” number. If you do not have Omnichannel, then get a free trial from Microsoft here:

Also, for use with Dynamics Telephony, I will show how to set up a custom presence value that will be auto-selected to prevent chats being delivered when you are on a voice call.

When you enable the Omnichannel license, you will see you have 2 new applications, one for Omnichannel Administration and one for the agents (Omnichannel for Customer Service).



When you go into Administration, you will see your admin modules down the left side.

First, go to Chat and add a new widget. Make sure Work Stream is Live Chat Workstream. That’s all you really need. Save.

Now grab the Code Snippet that is shown and copy it to your website page you want chat on. Just place it, as it is, straight before  the </head> tag you will find on your current webpage.



In Users add in existing users of your Dynamics 365 and set their Capacity to 100, assign a queue and maybe the default presence for chat.

Later, we will set the Capacity of a Chat to 50. So with the agent set to 100 this means an agents capacity is full when they are on 2 chats and Omnichannel will not send them another chat until they are back on only one chat.



Now go to Workstreams and edit the default workstream. Set capacity to 50 and mode to push.

In the Allowed Presences select all but Busy – DND. This means you can get a chat in any presence except Busy – DND.


When configuring for use with Dynamics Telephony, in the Custom Presence module, add a custom presence as shown below. Dynamics Telephony will select this custom presence when on a phone call, to prevent Omnichannel sending a chat to the user during a phone call.


Now, to understand and configure the Dynamics Telephony integration with Omnichannel, click here.

Moving to a new CRM

This post gives you guide on how to move your Dynamics Telephony configuration from one CRM to another.

The example is for porting from CRM1 (where you have tested everything to your satisfaction) to CRM2 (where you want to replicate the tested settings)

FIRST install the solution on CRM2. Use the link provided by your support engineer.

NEXT run Dynamics Telephony on CRM2. You do this by clearing the cache ( see here ) and starting Dynamics Telephony again. You will be prompted for the URL of CRM2. IMPORTANT, once up and running, manually set items in Menu > Settings > Crm Configuration, as these cannot be ported over in the “Port Data” described below. Quit that instance of Dynamics Telephony.

THEN, Port Data between the Dynamis Telephony entities in CRM as follows…

CRM entity dialerKvTable – Delete all rows from CRM2 where scope equals global. Export all rows from CRM1 where scope equals global and import into CRM2

CRM entity dialerCallOutcome – Delete all rows from CRM2. Export all rows from CRM1  and import to CRM2.

CRM entity dialerDnis – You will have to manually re-create all DNIS Settings in CRM2. This is because the CRM URL is part of the DNIS definition. Also, the images for the DNIS are stored as webresources in CRM – which have the same name as the DNIS. Advanced users could manually fix the URL in the DNIS definition and port over the image webresources in a solution.

CRM entity dialerQueueSettings – You will have to manually re-create the Queue Settings on CRM2. This is because the CRM URL and the queue GUID is part of the Queue Settings.

CRM entity dialerReports –  If you have made any custom report definitions for the Dynamics Telephony RTD, then you can port these to CRM2. Delete all rows from CRM2. Exports all rows from CRM1 and import to CRM2

How to add an RTD column

You can easily add columns to the Agent RTD. The steps below show you how to add a total “Calls” column.


1.In Advanced Find, go to DiallerReports, use any view you like and click Results. AdvancedFind

2. Then you click New DiallerReportsDiallerReportsTable



3. Here you click on the dashed lines to set/change the propertiesReportFields

For example, if you wanted to add a ‘Total Calls’ report, you could set it up like this. TotalCalls

Description is what will appear at the top of the column when in a          table.
Key is the source of the data to be displayed.
Type is the data type. Here it is attribute. Other types include rule,        filter, calculated and livestate. These will be discussed in another          post.
Value is the column width in percent for attributes. For other types      in can be different.
Order is the order in which the columns will appear. If you want to        put a new column in the middle, the following columns will have to      be manually shuffled forward.
ReportName is the report into which the column will be put.
Name is the name which can be used to cite this data in another              report.


4. If you want to change the fields available, click form editor and drag fields from the right toolbar into the column on the left to add them in, or out of the left column to remove themAddFields

Spellcheck Language

You can set the language to use for spellcheck within Dynamics Telephony. This would be used, for example, when composing an email in Dynamics Telephony. You can set it to one or multiple languages.



Use this for UK English

Use this for Spanish

This for US English

Or this for both US English and Spanish
spellcheck.dictionaries=[“es-ES”, “en-US”];

Make a setting global

Dynamics Telephony stores all its settings in CRM. Some are global and some are per user. You can change a user setting and make it global. This will mean that any new users will pick up that global setting as their default setting.

You might use this to, for example, make all new users use a particular telephony connector, when they first run. This would eliminate a manual configuration step that the user might get wrong.

In the following procedure, I will show you how to make a global setting that will default new users to use TAPI. The procedure is the same for other settings.

Set up Dynamics Telephony for one user and set their telephony to TAPI and their TAPI version to 2.1.
Close the Dynamics Telephony application

Run an Advanced Find in CRM on DialerKvTable to find the setting below


Change the “scope” value to “global”, per this snap.


Install a new user and they will default to TAPI 2.1


Client Rollout Options

Dynamics Telephony supports a number of client rollout options to make the experience trouble free for all organization sizes.


All Dynamics Telephony settings are stored in CRM. This means you can pre-configure all users telephony settings. This can apply to any of the install options below. The items you would pre-configure are:

  • All users default telephony (e.g. TAPI, Skype for Business, etc. )
  • Individual user’s preferred telephony
  • Telephony setting such as server, username and password
  • Colors and preferences.



1. Install as click-once from Dynamics Telephony servers

This install can be done by end-users. the steps are

  1. Go to the install URL (that you would include in the instructions email)
  2. Download and run the setup.exe (If there might be security prompts in your environment, these should be dealt with in your instructions email)
  3. When prompted, enter the URL of the CRM (that you would also include in the instructions email)
  4. When Dynamics Telephony starts, go to Menu > Settings and pick your telephony provider from the list. For TAPI and Skype for Business, no further settings are required. For others, a username and password are required. NOTE you can also pre-configure all user’s settings in CRM to eliminate this step 4 completely. See GLOBAL SETTING above

We will help with defining this rollout procedure during the on-boarding process.

2. Install as click-once from your own server

Dynamics Telephony can provide you with the click-once install files for you to host on your own server. The install procedure would be the same as above. Advantages include:

  • No dependence on the internet-based Dynamics Telephony servers
  • Ability to prevent update rollout until you have verified compatibility with your needs.

Contact us for more information on this service.

3. Install from MSI provided by Dynamics Telephony

Dynamics Telephony can provide you with an MSI customized to your organization’s needs. Advantages include:

  • Enables a completely silent install with no intervention from the user or IT.
  • Specify the CRM URL for the user to use – normally this is entered by the user. With an MSI, this can be pre-configured.
  • All other settings, such as the users telephony settings, can be pre-configured too per GLOBAL SETTINGS above.
  • Customize aspects of the install such as application location, additional help files, shared phone-book location.
  • Ability to prevent update rollout until you have verified compatibility with your needs.
  • Additional customizations such as registry entries to simplify telephony driver install.

Please contact us for more information on this service.

4. Make your own MSI

See end of this article here