Call Recording Integration

Call Recording Integration

Have you requirements like these?

  • You want agents to be able to pause a call recording in progress.
  • You are tired of trying to find the matching call recording for a conversation logged in CRM.
  • Users want to be able to easily listen to call recordings of previous calls to a customer.
  • You want to integrate with recording analytics, like or Microsoft Conversation Analytics.
  • You want to upload call recordings to your own storage.

Dynamics Telephony Client (DT Client) can help with all of these requirements.

NOTE: The Call Recording features described here are dependant on the API of your Call Recording system. All features are supported on Asterisk, FreePBX and our own phone system (DTPS). Other phone systems may be supported. Please contact us for more details. If your system is not supported, we will make you an offer to connect your Call Recording API to our DT Client.

Recording link in CRM – In the call log that the DT Client automatically creates for every call you make or receive, a link to the call recording in your call recording storage will also be populated. You can click on the Audio Control to play the recording, or use the URL to download the recording to your PC. Access to the recording can be controilled via CRM roles applied to forms that display the URL or Audio Control.

Recording pause-resume control is available in the DT Client. This control can be hidden if you do not want users to have this capability.

Recording Upload. The DT Client will trigger upload of your recordings:

  • The upload can be to analytics platforms such as Microsoft Conversation analytics, or
  • The upload can be to storage such as Azure or FTP.
  • The recordings can be stereo or mono. Some analytics applications require stereo.