Application Cache
Default settings, dialer queue cache:
%AppData%\CT Solutions\DynamicsTelephony
NOTE: files in this folder are preserved through upgrades. The Config.crm file in this folder is the connection to CRM so it can be pushed out to users (from a working client), so that new users do not have to enter connection info.
If you want to clear the cache, delete all files and folders, in this folder except Config.crm (the connection to CRM)
Also, these might exist…they are cache and can be deleted to clear cache:
C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Dynamics Telephony
New log file location (V3+):
%AppData%\CT Solutions\DynamicsTelephony
User settings like initial size and position, and initial Application in any folder like
Client Uninstall
Uninstall is from the Programs And Features Control Panel
For complete uninstall, you should also clear the cache mentioned above and the following directories.
ClickOnce Application:
System Uninstall
To uninstall all entities from CRM, you use the Uninstall System on the Dynamics Telephony COG Menu.
NOTE: You will not see this item unless your CRM user has a Role called “Dynamics Telephony Uninstall” – the role does not need any special permissions.
ALSO, you need to have it allowed under Admin Only Access in the Dynamics Telephony settings
Files for making your own MSI/Setup
Some sites have had success simply copying the application files to the users PC and running from a shortcut. Others make a setup or MSI. In all cases, here are the files you will need.
- Install from ClickOnce URL as normal
- Run DT Client at least once and quit it
- Run DT Client again and select App Folder from the DT menu
- Select all files and folders and copy to your MSI/Setup source directory.
- Delete .manifest and .cdf-ms files…EXCEPT dynamicstelephony.exe.manifest from your MSI/Setup source directory
Use the above files for your MSI/Setup
The shortcut you make should refer to dynamicstelephony.exe and should run the application in the same folder as dynamicstelephony.exe
If you include %AppData%\CT Solutions\DynamicsTelephony\config.crm in the MSI (copy from a working DT Client), then the user will not be prompted for the CRM URL when they first start the DT Client.